Helping St. Louis Electrical & Communications Contractors...

Government Affairs

All contractors need a voice at the local, state, and federal level. NECA IS “The Voice of the Electrical Construction Industry.”


An educated electrical contractor has a decided advantage over competitors which do not stay on top of current and future trends.


At the St. Louis Chapter, NECA, we work hard to ensure our members are the safest electrical contractors in the industry.

NECA Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

In simple terms, the St. Louis Chapter, NECA assists our member contractors, who bring World-Class service and performance to their customers. Our members are the most qualified, reliable, safe, and experienced contractors in the industry.

We endeavor to make the electrical construction industry the most professional and productive of any construction trade.  NECA members have high expectations and receive a significant return on their investment in our chapter and national association.


Our industry priorities are driven to make every NECA member a better organization. These priorities include:

  • Labor Relations
  • Education & Training
  • Safety
  • Advocacy & Government Affairs
  • Business & Market Development
  • Industry Leading Events
Become a Member of St. Louis Chapter, NECA

Become A Member

The St. Louis Chapter, NECA is one of 118 local chapters in the U.S. We focus our efforts on helping our contractor members “Build Better Businesses” by providing the tools and resources they need and expect from a best-in-class trade association.

Need Help Finding a Qualified Electrical Contractor?

St. Louis Chapter, NECA contractors are experts at the top of their field, hold the highest standards and ensure your job gets done right, on time, and meets your specific needs.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

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